Garvey Biggers has established a track record of aggressive, successful legal representation across a wide spectrum of liability and injury cases. A passionate and prepared advocate tirelessly focused on you and your case. An unsurpassed knowledge of the legal landscape, the adversaries, and the energy and effort needed for success. One of the best at what he does, day in and day out.

Garvey Biggers Law Firm – Medical Cases

Case #1

Represented defendant physician assistant in Greenlee County where claimant went to clinic for pain in right eye. PA diagnosed as “Pink Eye” with prescription for eye drops. Next day client saw plaintiff again and diagnosed as “corneal abrasion” with new medication. Clinic pharmacy was closed and plaintiff could not fill prescription so client patched eye and told claimant to fill prescription the next day. Upon return to clinic the next day, patient’s eye had ulcerated. Claimant hospitalized with severe purulent corneal ulcer that left a scar. Claimant was blind in the other eye and unable to drive, read, work or enjoy hobbies. Case resolved favorable after defending against claims of failure to take adequate history; failure to discover patient was type I diabetic thus more vulnerable to infection; failure to check visual acuity in both eyes and treated without knowing only one good eye; failure to prescribe correct medication; failure to educate patient; failure to refer to ophthalmologist. (Greenlee County CV 2004-0015)

Case #2

Represented hospital where vicarious liability alleged for acts of nurses occurred during delivery of baby that suffered cerebral palsy. The Doctor was also sued and settled early for policy limits. Hospital nurses were alleged to have fallen below standard of care while assisting physician with the delivery. Allegations of excessive use of Pitocin; excessive use of vacuum extraction and failure to seek an order for a cesarean section after a difficult labor and prior cesarean section in mother; following mother’s wishes to give birth “naturally”. Case resolved favorably to client after two years of litigation. (Navajo County)

Case #3

Represented hospital and Nursing College and nurses in Northern Arizona where allegation of L5-S1 radiculopathy was claimed to have occurred as a result of a Demerol injection into the right buttock of the claimant. The student nurse was performing her first injection under the supervision of a highly qualified RN when the student nurse pushed the medicine a little faster than recommended. A large hematoma developed. Claimant was proven to be a drug seeking type patient who brought a frivolous claim. The lawsuit was resolved favorably through dismissal and a complete defense victory on behalf of all defendants. (Navajo County)